@kl3m3n Thank-you kl3m3n for taking the time to reply.
#2 === I will review and prepare a reply
#3 === The screen aspect ratio is set by:
@guis BGC:#FFFFFF ASR:0.5The following screenshots were from a Plimpton Tablet and from a Samsung Galaxy - both initialized with the same set of GUIO commands.
GUIO_SamsungGalaxy_AspectRatio_0.5.jpg GUIO_Tablet_AspectRatio_0.5.jpg
The page displays perfectly on the Tablet, but when viewed on the Galaxy, one can see remnants of widgets from the prior page (on the left), and the next page on the right.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
#4 === I was setting up each of the 5 pages with an image, then scrolling through them as the widgets were being created for each of the 5 pages. However, the page was not being scrolled using the SCI:x command. This is why the symptoms appeared as I described. It is NOT an issue with GUIO.
|IML UID:pfds ACT:0 X:50 Y:50 W:90 H:100 HAW:0.0 LI:0 IPS:'image1.jpg,image2.jpg,image3.jpg,image4.jpg,image5.jpg' @pfds LI:" ; varThanks