Best posts made by kl3m3n
RE: Unable to enter Device IP or UEL
@SteveV Hi!
You mean you cannot enter IP address due to not having any period ('.') character available?
This is not normal. Can you try changing the keyboard from Android settings and see if the issue persists?
I am "forcing" the number keyboard when user touches the IP field... In most cases, the keyboard also shows other characters. Anyway, I will fix this ASAP - I have a release lined up right now. I will probably take a day or two...
Best regards,
Klemen -
RE: ESP8266 & Arduino & GUI-O automatic pairing
@Bernard Yes, you have wrong credentials. This is what's causing the problem. You have changed the settings somehow...
I advise you to clear application data or uninstall and reinstall the application. This will reset the settings to default. Alternatively, you could input the correct settings, but I recommend reinstall... It will be easier for you. Then retry pairing.
Note that you must keep the default settings if you want to connect to GUI-O server!
Best regards,
Latest posts made by kl3m3n
RE: CHB parameter ACT:
@forest70 Hi!
I have fixed the ACT issue.
The new version should be available in Play Store in a couple of days.Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: CHB parameter ACT:
@forest70 Hi Davor,
this seems to be a bug.
I will fix it with the next release!
Thank you for reporting this.
Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: Multiple access to an ESP32 app
@Proto Hi!
Yes, you need a license for each Android device that uses a different Google account from the one used to purchase the license.
Licensing is based on the app, not on development. Specifically, the app does not track (and cannot enforce) which device is designated as the "development" device.
Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: Text input and Nubmer input add event at lost focus
I decided to add an option to request the current value / state of (specific) widgets. This seems a better solution compared to sending the data on lost focus.
The new version will be released in a couple of days and I will also update the manual.
Basically, you just need to send:
@<widget_uid> REQV:1\r\n
This will return the current value / state for the widget (in the same format as with user interaction).
You can retrieve the values of the TI and NI fields on demand.Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: Button released events
@jjl said in Button released events:
@kl3m3n Hi
Have not seen the new release until now.
The Live designer did not mention anything about a new release !!New release works fine. Great work,
Yes, there was a bug in the previous release regarding the version check...
Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: Text input and Nubmer input add event at lost focus
@forest70 Hi,
I see... This can be annoying, yes.
Both options you propose seem interesting (focus and value query). I will think about this and perform some tests with GUI-O, to see what works best.Best regards,
Kl3m3nPS: Najbrž res, a potem ostali ne bodo razumeli
. Lahko pa v SLO rečeva kakšno na direktnem sporočilu. Je pa vseeno bolje debatirati tukaj, morda še komu tale debata pride prav
RE: Text input and Nubmer input add event at lost focus
@forest70 Hi,
after some consideration, I think the loss of focus and not confirming the input should not send the command. This is counter-intuitive and is not standard behaviour of input widgets. User should be aware that they confirmed the input (e.g., by pressing Enter).
Can you explain what is your motivation for this? Maybe we can find another solution?
Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: Text input and Nubmer input add event at lost focus
@forest70 Hi,
I will check if this can be reliably implemented.
I will get back to you.Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: Change SCI no efect
@forest70 Hi,
currently, when widget is created it cannot be moved to another screen afterwards.
Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
RE: Button released events
@jjl Hi,
you can now download the new designer version (v0.0.15), which also supports ITM functionality:
Best regards,