@kl3m3n Tank you for update.
I've noticed a small problem with rounding numbers on vertical axis.
Example 1:
'|MBCH UID:mbch1 X:50 Y:50 W:100 H:30 FSZ:2 PLCO:#b51d1d YASC:0 YLO:3 YHI:4 YTC:4\r\n'
'@mbch1 MCHL:"u1, u2, u3" MCHV:"3.2,3.42,3.54"\r\n'

Example 2:
'|MBCH UID:mbch1 X:50 Y:50 W:100 H:30 FSZ:2 PLCO:#b51d1d YASC:0 YLO:3.2 YHI:4 YTC:4\r\n'
'@mbch1 MCHL:"u1, u2, u3" MCHV:"3.2,3.42,3.54"\r\n'

The difference is YLO:3 -> YLO:3.2.
The problem occurs when the scale range is defined by floating-point numbers.
Could you please limit the number of decimal places?
Maybe it's a good idea to add a minimum value on the vertical axis?