Text input and Nubmer input add event at lost focus
It is posible, when input lost focus send like "@ti0 ABC" and "@ni0 123"
@forest70 Hi,
I will check if this can be reliably implemented.
I will get back to you.Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
@forest70 Hi,
after some consideration, I think the loss of focus and not confirming the input should not send the command. This is counter-intuitive and is not standard behaviour of input widgets. User should be aware that they confirmed the input (e.g., by pressing Enter).
Can you explain what is your motivation for this? Maybe we can find another solution?
Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
Edit field, click on confirm, keybord is closed, click on next field, keyboard is open ... anoing.
It is simple, there are some field of input. Edit first, click to second an so on.
So lost focus can be a solution, or is there command to ask field value.Best regards,
V slovenščini bi šlo lažje -
@forest70 Hi,
I see... This can be annoying, yes.
Both options you propose seem interesting (focus and value query). I will think about this and perform some tests with GUI-O, to see what works best.Best regards,
Kl3m3nPS: Najbrž res, a potem ostali ne bodo razumeli
. Lahko pa v SLO rečeva kakšno na direktnem sporočilu. Je pa vseeno bolje debatirati tukaj, morda še komu tale debata pride prav
Thanks -
I decided to add an option to request the current value / state of (specific) widgets. This seems a better solution compared to sending the data on lost focus.
The new version will be released in a couple of days and I will also update the manual.
Basically, you just need to send:
@<widget_uid> REQV:1\r\n
This will return the current value / state for the widget (in the same format as with user interaction).
You can retrieve the values of the TI and NI fields on demand.Best regards,
Kl3m3n -
I tested an it works as excepted! ThanksBest regards,