Linktree alternative. One Master Link is a link in bio tool that helps you keep all the links of your social networks in one place. In the biography of each one of them you only have to put your One Master Link and your fans will be able to find the rest of your social networks. And if you make changes to your OML page, adding and deleting accounts, you don’t need to create a new link! As many as you want! In One Master Link you can add your RRSS, links to websites, playlists... there are no limitations, so make sure you show your fans all the places where they can find you. In addition, you can also add your cryptocurrency wallets for your fans to donate to you! Of course! You can order them as you prefer, for example by placing the most interesting for your fans at the top. Furthermore, you can also sort your social media icons, your cryptocurrency wallets, even add your own personal icon.