In your Sub, the Return statement is used twice. Maybe that's the problem.
After first return statement must be:
@hls 250 should be at the end of the Init procedure.
I checked the Init process without the Bascom code and it works OK.
Maybe put |CH
|CH UID:ch0 X:50 Y:75 W:50 H:50 XLO:0 BSZ:120 VLP:2 BGC:#E53A4456 FGC:#EF33EAF5 SHE:1 FSZ:2.5 RAD:1 CHT:2 CHN:'MESURE HUM / TEMP / PRESSION' XTC:12 YTC:6 YMA:4 XMA:2 XHI:75 PZO:0
@hls 250
just before @hls 250
Otherwise, your GUI-O screen is very nice